aeroMode.ini - Configure click actions for each application

With Recognition of Click actions in aeroTAP Advanced tab, you can configure how to recognize the actions such as click.

When you use aeroMode.ini settings, you can set different click actions for each applications or set a specific area to perform a predefined action.

Hint: If aeroMode.ini is not defined, actions will be performed according to the settings in Advanced Tab.

Important: Features for aeroMode.ini is only available when using aeroTAP 3D USB camera.

aeroMode.ini Destination

Please save aeroMode.ini in C:\ProgramData\aeroTAP folder or the same folder where aeroTAP.exe is saved.

Notes: C:\ProgramData\aeroTAP folder is given priority.

Configure aeroMode.ini

Setting aeroMode.ini enables you to define different click actions for each application.

Description format

[Application name:{caption name]]
mode number,action number

Hint: For more information about Application EXE file name, check "Application name for virtual button setting".
Additional information: Caption name can be left blank. Set it when you will make it valid just on a specific screen of an application.
Additional information
: Area definition can be left blank. Set it when you define the click action to a specific area in the application. Assignable values are coordinates between (0,0)-(320,240).
Additional information: Action number can be left blank. Click action is set by default.
Additional information: See KeyActionList.exe for the list of action numbers.
Example: Grab to Click for Google Earth. Switch to Smart Click when using Chrome.

Enable a special selection for a specific window

When you define a caption name, you can make it active only on that specific window.
Example: When Google Earth is running on Chrome, perform double click when you grab to click

[Chrome.exe:Google Earth]

Action when clicking in a specific area

Example: When Chrome is in fullscreen display mode, perform a click when clicking on the left side of the screen, perform double click when clicking on the top left of the screen


Important: When a specific area is defined, recognition of the click action will be made using the first defined action.

Click Mode List

Mode number    Description


Select this mode when you only want to move the cursor.
You (operator) cannot make actions such as Click.

1   Stop to Click

Click action will be performed when you stop moving your hand for a certain time defined at Interval to detect stop option.
Stop at the position you want to click.
2   Smart Click

Click action will be performed when you are in a clickable area and you stop moving your hand for a certain time defined at Interval to detect stop option.
When a clickable area is detected, the color of the virtual cursor will change from GREY to RED.
3   Grab to Click

Click action will be performed when you stop your hand making the virtual cursor stop and then make a gripping action.
4   Drag and drop

When you stop your hand and make a gripping action, drag action will start and when you open your gripped hand, drop action will be performed at that point.
If you open it at the same position, click action will be performed. When drag mode is enabled, the color of the virtual cursor will change to blue.
When this mode is running, the cursor color in the camera feedback screen will be GREEN.

To zoom in/out with one hand, move the gripped hand closer to the camera or further away from the camera.
5   Push to Click

Click action will be performed, when you move (push) your hand about 10cm towards the camera.
Notes: This feature can only be selected when using the aeroTAP 3D USBcam.