Here we introduce the types of customization that you can't make in the Preference screen of aeroTAP touchless interface, in addition to how it can be configured.
To customize the features, please configure the registry settings.
Currently, the following Customizations are available. Please download file and extract it.
Edit the following registry setting and apply the change.
To restore, edit the following registry file and apply the change.
Edit the following registry setting and apply the change.
To restore, edit the following registry file and apply the change.
Edit the following registry setting and apply the change.
To restore, edit the following registry file and apply the change.
Edit the following registry setting and apply the change.
To restore, edit the following registry file and apply the change.
Edit the following registry setting and apply the change.
To restore, edit the following registry file and apply the change.
*You can change the display style of the guidance with Customize the UI.
To restrict the area for touchless operation, use the command parameters and define the area.
For example, with a large wall display (using the whole wall as a display), you can set just one part (in front of the operator) as the area to operate touchlessly.
When the display of the guidance image is enabled, guidance will be displayed on detection of operator. If the operator starts operation, it will disappear and 10seconds after the operator stops operation, it will be displayed again.
The duration to display the guidance can be adjusted by changing the following registry value.
Unit used for definition is second(s). Example: Value 180 means 3minutes.
How the guidance will be displayed when the value is set to 0:
1. Guidance will be displayed when operator is detected.
2. It will disappear when he/she starts operation.
3. Even when he/she stops operation, guidance will not be displayed.
4. Guidance is shown when a operator comes back and is detected (Back to #1).
To customize the size of the feedback area, edit the following registry file and apply the change.
For the value FeedbackWith, define the width in pixels, using hexadecimal numbers. The height will be calculated automatically.
In some environments that you install your camera, the depth data may not be acquired correctly. This might be because of specific textures or lights in the background causing blown out highlights. You can check this symptom with the depth map image in aeroTAP camera settings. The light in the far back will be shown red which means it is detected to be closer than reality. You may see that walls with specific textures are displayed to be closer than their actual distance.
These symptoms can be solved by creating a depth mask data and by masking it. Create the mask image
To disable this feature, apply the registry for OFF.
In some applications, operation will be executed by monitoring the cursor position. When you stop moving the cursor and palm tracking with aeoTAP ends, the cursor will stay at that point. In some applications, this may cause unwanted actions. To avoid that from happening, set this option which moves the cursor to the top right (0,0) when palm tracking ends.
Edit the following registry setting and apply the change.
To restore, edit the following registry file and apply the change.
When you want to lock the operation monitor or disable the monitor change in a multi monitor environment, apply the registry shown below.
aerotap_NoMonitorChange_ON.reg (NoMonitorChange value = 1)
To enable monitor change back again, apply the following registry setting.
aerotap_NoMonitorChange_OFF.reg (NoMonitorChange value = 0)
In VT mode, a warning message "please move your finger back and restart" will be displayed when you keep your finger on the virtual touch screen. You can disable that feature by applying the following registry setting.
To enable the warning message back, apply the following registry settings.
*VT mode: Virtual Touch Panel mode
Using a resolution higher than VGA with USB2.0 connection, FPS will drop to 20 because of bus width restrictions of the USB. Environments with hight CPU capability, the tracking performance will improve by applying the following registry which will enable the MJPEG mode and enhance FPS
To restore, apply the following registry settings.
The virtual button will be displayed when the virtual cursor stops and usually disappears after 600ms. However you can adjust the interval longer by applying the following registry. At value 2, the interval will be doubled 600x2 ms.
To restore, apply the following registry settings.
You can customize the camera FPS settings for optimization in an environment with restricted CPU resource. In aeroTAP evo settings, select the General tab and choose Custom for the FPS option. Then edit the following registry file and set the value.
The log for aeroTAP evo (_aerotap.log file) saves information about start/end of aeroTAP evo, start, error/reboot of camera. You can check this information when camera connection fails or when the USB cable is not working.
Log creation will be enabled when you apply the following registry file.
To restore, apply the following registry settings.