Transform existing medical system to touchless!

aeroTAP for Advanced Medical Fields

In recent years, the digitalization of surgical operations have advanced and there are occasions for a surgeon to directly access digital data (PACS、DICOM、3D model image) saved on the computer.

By running aeroTAP on the computer of the surgery room or the computer that the surgeon brings inside that room, touchless operation of data becomes possible during surgery.

aeroTAP will make the medical application you already use (DICOM, PACS) touchless.

- Enables using the existing application such as PACS >> Enables low cost implementation
- Easy installation and operation >> Provides high mobility
- Reduces the stress of the surgeon/operator >> Reduces unnecessary communication because the surgeon directly operates
- Safe and hygienic because it is touchless >> Ensure safeness in the surgery room
- Easy operation for everyone >> Independent from ICT literacy
- No need of taking off surgical gloves >> Cutting costs and efficient use of resources
- Enables reduction of surgical operation time >> Reduces the burden/load of patient

Contact us about aeroTAP Medical Field Solution

aeroDRAW for endoscopic surgery support


aeroDRAW assists endoscopic surgery navigation.

It scans endoscopic images in real time and surgeon/operator will be able to make annotations. aeroDRAW can display overlay of 3D organ images.

It also enables hands-free drawing and area highlighting on the display when used in conjunction with aeroTAP.

*aeroDRAW is developed by nextEDGE technology in conjunction with University of Tsukuba Hospital.

Preventive measures against spread of infection in facilities

Currently, information devices deployed in the hospital are accessible through traditional interfaces such as keyboard, mouse and touch panel. Those interface devices can compromise sterility and spread infection.

aeroTAP can turn those devices to touchless devices, and enable sterile navigation.

SmartCare for Nursing care

SmartCare Sensor integrates aeroTAP 3D USB Camera and SBC.

Deep learning from 3D Sensor's Depth map image to detect human posture, and take privacy into consideration when monitoring. With using 3D aerial sensor, Virtual cage and virtual gateway feature can detect danger prediction and reliable.

Medical welfare research activities

As for iGNT(Ibaraki Global Nichie Top Companies Incubation) Project 2016,2017,2018, we were working on the design of navigation and basic measurement of the hand, using our own 3D sensor.

LiverNavi system is navigation system for Systematic Hepatectomy oPeration.  Capture liver in 3D and analyze Resection line. Showing deformed liver model according to operation process.
The system using two 3D stereovision camera.

We participate in Virtual Medical Simulation Research Unit.

We develop rehabilitation related products using aeroTAP technology.

An article was published on Springer Nature about the effectiveness of touchless operation using aeroTAP "Novel imaging using a touchless display for computer-assisted hepato-biliary surgery"

An article about touchless interface using aeroTAP was contributed for January 2019 edition of the Monthly Journal of Medical Imaging and Information, under the special topic "The front line of surgical operation support system"

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